Bhajans for Kids

Sing popular bhajans | Learn devotional stories & meanings | Connect to Indian music & culture

Ages: 6 and above

Duration: 7 sessions, 1 hour each

Dates: 9th Oct. 2021 – 15th Oct. 2021 (daily)

Time: Click "Join Now" to choose the time slot that works for you

Registrations closed. Contact our support channel for any queries - +918861302886

Why Bhajans for kids?

In the mad rush towards sundry pursuits in life, in the smaller nuclear families we live in, and at the pace we operate at, it is no wonder that we tend to overlook the wealth of culture and tradition that surrounds us. And consequently miss out on exposing our children to the rich world of India’s music, art, and heritage. 

The Dussehra vacation is the perfect time for music classes to help your kids explore our cultural roots - learning devotional songs, understanding the associated stories, and feeling proud of India’s well-endowed musical history. Here at SaPa, we can't wait to help your child connect with their traditions and fill their days with MUSIC, STORIES, and lots of FUN activities with Bhajan classes for kids!

What you can expect

  • Learn 5 popular bhajans from different parts of India
  • Understand the meanings and stories behind each bhajan
  • Learn FUN facts and anecdotes related to each bhajan
  • Give a performance on Vijayadashami

Benefits for my child(ren)

  • Feel connected to Indian culture 
  • Appreciate a different musical style - bhajans
  • Feel empowered knowing the depth of our heritage
  • Develop pride & respect for our traditions

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I am interested but I have some more questions…

Does my child have to attend all the classes? Can he/she attend only a few?

The classes have been designed in such a way that one follows the other. So, they are linked. We would, therefore, suggest that your child attend all the classes.

I want my child to learn about our culture but I am worried he/she will be bored with bhajans.

We first conducted the Bhajans for Kids workshop last Dussehra, and we were delighted with the response we received. Children loved it! So, don’t worry, our approach of LEARNING with FUN will ensure that it will not be monotonous, it will have a mix of stories from our culture associated with the bhajans.

Will my child(ren) be able to ask questions or share his/her thoughts during the class?

Yes, absolutely! We would love to have an interactive class.

Will you be able to monitor how my child is doing?

Yes, since we have a limit on the number of students per class, since our batch sizes are small, teachers will be accessible if your child has questions. We will also encourage children to keep the camera on to encourage them to perform in front of the others. This will also build their confidence levels.

How many students will there be in a class?

Maximum size of the batch will be of 20 students.

What skills/values will my child be able to learn?

Children will improve their understanding of India’s rich history and heritage through songs; they will appreciate what they have inherited, they will also be exposed to different languages, which will give them a real feel of our vast country beyond their smaller worlds.

In what language will the class be taught?

English is the medium of instruction, bhajans are in multiple languages.

Through what medium will the classes be held?

Classes will be online through the SaPa Digital Learning Platform.

Will I receive a video recording of the session?

For the best experience, we request you to attend the live session.